isolation portraits

Venerdì 11 settembre alle ore 19:00 presso Yaqqu via Piccioni 12 a Cagliari, presentazione della mostra ISOLATION PORTRAITS di Chris Pig. Un progetto fotografico sviluppato a Londra durante il lockdown per il Covid-19. La presentazione si svolgerà all’aperto, nel pieno rispetto delle norme di contenimento del Covid-19.

Di seguito la spiegazione del progetto fotografico Isolation Portraits ad opera di Chris Pig.

“Isolation Portraits” is a project developed while in lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic that hit the planet in 2020.

Isolation: time to think and rethink, time to reflect and to put things into perspective. With the absence of most of the inputs we were used to, everything has a more personal and intimate feel. Time to face our fears and visualise them in a different way. Time to express our more intimate thoughts.

Our personal world, space and habits were turned upside down, social scales were upturned, values changed. Lost feelings were found and solitude gave an insight into ourselves, our inner fears and strength. 

We were suddenly forced to live differently and a lot of social fluff was taken away overnight leaving us with a clear view of our own reality. Each portrait tackles a different social or personal issue as well as expresses my personal opinion visually rather than in words. (Chris Pig)

Isolation Portraits


• Luogo: YAQQU

• Indirizzo: via Piccioni 12 09124 Cagliari, Sardegna

• Quando: dal 11/09/2020 – al 18/09/2020

• Vernissage: 11/09/2020 ore 19:00

• Autori: Chris Pig

• Generi: fotografia, personale

• Orari: da lunedì al giovedi 9:00/14:30 e 17:00/01:00 venerdì e sabato 9:00/2:00. Domenica chiuso

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