
Festival dello psicodramma ideato e organizzato dal regista teatrale sloveno TomI Janezic che si svolgerà dal 21 al 25 agosto a Krusce (Slovenia) presso il suo Centro internazionale di ricerca e residenza teatrale.Sono previsti Workshop, incontri, performance e proiezioni secondo un fitto calendario che trovate elencato in questo articolo. Sarà possibile alloggiare presso il centro che è a 50 km da Lubjana e 60km da Trieste.

Di seguito le informazioni sugli esperti e sugli artisti che interverranno, e sui materiali che verranno presentati. 

Sue Daniel is an internationally acclaimed psychodrama psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor, one of the pioneers of Australian psychodrama, with more then 35 years of professional experience, directing workshops around the whole world, who is returning to Krušče for the fifth time to direct a five-days workshop for beginners and experienced psychodramatists and psychotherapists.

Psychiatrist Vladimir Milošević is a renowned and experienced psychodrama psychotherapist, educator and supervisor, one of the founding members of Institute for psychodrama in Belgrade, who regularly and successfully collaborates in a wide international context and has rich experiences in collaboration with artists. He has already directed numerous well-received workshops also in Krušče during last decade and has been directing with Tomi Janežič a psychodrama group Psychology of Creativity since 2017.

Men don’t cry

is a film by Alen Drljević. Psychodrama is present in the film as a method at a workshop for war veterans. Vladimir Milošević participated as an expert collaborator. We expect actors from the cast as guests of the little festival of psychodrama.

Tomi Janežič is a theatre director and psychodrama psychotherapist, professor of theatre directing at Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in Ljubljana and an internationally recognised expert in the field of acting, who has for many years explored application of psychodrama techniques in artistic and art-pedagogical processes.

Anja Novak (1991) is a theatre and film actress, performer, poet and singer, member of the ensemble of Slovenian Mladinsko Theatre Ljubljana. She gained her master degree in acting at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in Ljubljana. She was introduced to psychodrama during her studies at the Academy under the mentorship of Tomi Janežič. She’s interested in research of her creative potentials for therapeutic and artistic purposes. She loves rabbits and doesn’t have a facebook page.

Director, psychologist and psychodrama psychotherapist Irena Ristić is a professor of psychology of art at Faculty of dramatic arts in Belgrade, one of the few experts in this field, who works with success internationally both as a scientist and as an artist.

Collective Efemerne Konfesije (Ephemeral Confessions) / Markiza de Sade & Johanna Helmut Kohl (Zoja Borovčanin, Vladimir Bjeličić) is a scenic-vocal ensemble who performs songs on decadence, luxury, crises of paternity, love, hate and alcohol. Through queer art of deconstructing gender, class and social roles, it refers to a spectrum of historical examples of performance with focus on changing costumes (commedia dell arte, Weimar cabaret, American vaudeville), it integrates different forms of drag expression and critically articulates everyday political reality.

Anna Nowicka is an artist working internationally in the field of contemporary dance, weaving her artistic research out of imagery work, dreaming principles, and attentive embodiment, which are also themes of her solo piece Raw Light. Among other things she also studied psychology. She got her PhD from the Polish Film School in Łódź.

Playwright, dramaturge and psychodrama psychotherapist Lada Kaštelan is a professor of dramaturgy at Academy of dramatic arts in Zagreb, translator of plays from Old Greek, author of screenplays and awarded theatre plays, who was educated in integrative psychotherapy as well as in psychodrama, and has applied its techniques in the work with students of playwriting.

Anna Maria Monteverdi is an expert in Digital Performance and Video Theatre, professor at several universities and Academies in Italy, author of books on Living Theatre, Robert Lepage etc. and documentary films with Alessandro Bronzini on Jeton Neziraj, Tomi Janežič, Robert Lepage etc.



Psychodrama is a worldwide well-known and established action group psychotherapeutic method, developed by Jacob Levy Moreno.

The basic characteristic of psychodrama is the stage enactment of the inner world and life situations of the participants.

Members of the group can explore their experience of the present, the past and the vision of the future, situations that occurred (or could had, but did not), spoken and unspoken thoughts and feelings, desires, fantasies, dreams. They can confront/encounter people from the past, resolve and complete relations, discover their own limitations and potentials, meet with their emotions and learn how to express themselves freely.

In psychodrama inaccessible sources of psyche and interpersonal relationships become more accessible to consciousness and the possibility of change. Through psychodrama the patterns of behavior become enlightened, the nature of relationship clarifies, real needs are being revealed, which leads to a better understanding of ourselves and others.

Psychodrama provides participants with support and a safe environment in which they can train new, more effective roles and behavior that fosters personal growth, integration of cognitive, emotional and behavioral personality level, it increases awareness and consciousness, empathy, social interaction and group cohesion and productivity. It is suitable for establishing better communication skills, stress reduction, work with trauma and other mental health problems.

Psychodrama encourages creative thinking to enable an individual to take the initiative and find a suitable and good-enough response to a new, unfamiliar situation, as well as a new and better response to a situation that is repeating.

Moreno worked in the field of psychology (he studied medicine and theology in Vienna and was a contemporary of Freud, inspired by the ideas of Martin Buber, philosopher of dialogue) as well as in the field of theatre (he founded the theatre of spontaneity – Stegreif theater).

The epitaph on his gravestone reads: “J. L. Moreno, the man who brought laughter to psychiatry.”

In psychodrama any adult person who wants to encounter herself/himself and others through play, is welcome, regardless of age or profession. No special acting skills are required for it.

 Studio for Research on the Art of Acting works as an institute for cultural activities – since 2018 also an association based in Krušče -devoted to artistic, educational, research, and residency activities in the field of acting. Since 1996 Studio has realized numerous international projects (theatre co-productions, research and educational programs, artistic exchanges and residencies) and hosted a number of distinguished acting teachers, experts in psychodrama and artists from all over the world. Studio has most of its activities at the work-center in Krušče, a small village near Cerknica. In the course of last ten years since the beginning of the estate renovation, Krušče hosted internationally acclaimed artists and experts from more than twenty countries in the field of performing arts, film, music, fine arts, and literature, beside that importance is given also to the research and educational activities in psychodrama. Following its own particular way of dealing with the question of how to organize, finance, distribute and exchange creativity and art in the current modernity, Krušče is becoming recognized and valued as an important space for artistic investigation and reflection in Slovenia as well as in the wider international space. 

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